Kellen Mahoney
Kellen Mahoney is Vice President of Navista, The Public Affairs Group. In this role, Kellen supports Navista’s clients in developing and driving programs to advance their strategic objectives. He specializes in managing and growing industry-driven associations, designing and implementing strategic plans and programs and developing collaborative forums to advance sustainability and business objectives.
Kellen serves as Director for the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP), an industry association representing global automakers and their suppliers working together to improve environmental sustainability in the automotive industry. In this role he works with SP’s leadership to advance the vision and manage the operations of the association, while coordinating with members from across the automotive industry and supply chain to advance environmental sustainability best practice. Kellen regularly facilitates and presents in industry conferences, workshops and webinars related to current and emerging environmental sustainability issues.
Kellen has significant experience working with large and small organizations across industries and has supported a wide range of collaborative sustainability initiatives related to issues such as decarbonization, circular and sustainable materials, supply chain sustainability, water stewardship, and more. He has supported a variety of past and present Navista clients, including Alianza Verde Automotriz (AVA); Corporate Environmental Enforcement Council (CEEC); Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC); Environment Canada; Environment, Energy and Technology News (EETN); Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI); and the Mission Ready Sustainability Initiative (MRSI) and, others.
Kellen has a B.A. from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Leadership Team
Navista Consulting Advisory Group