Steve Hellem


Steve Hellem has provided strategic counsel to associations and coalitions on a variety of environment, energy, water, supply chain, and technology business issues. He has helped organize, support and direct the day-to-day management of coalitions and organizations, provided legislative and regulatory counsel and advocacy, and provided communications and public relations support to a wide range of large and smaller companies that have been participants in organizations that he has managed.

During the past 30 years he has served as an Associate Director of Energy, United States Chamber of Commerce; Executive Vice President of the National Environmental Development Association and four advocacy projects on Clean Air, Clean Water, RCRA and Groundwater; Executive Director, Sorptive Minerals Institute; Executive Director, Corporate Environmental Enforcement Council (CEEC); Executive Director, Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI); Executive Director, Bird Enjoyment Advantage Koalition (BEAK); Executive Director, Mission Ready Sustainability Initiative (MRSI);  Executive Director, Industry Cooperative for Ozone Layer Protection (ICOLP); and Senior Counselor, The Global Sullivan Principles.

He presently serves as the Executive Director, Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP); Executive Director, Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI); Director, Environment, Health, Safety & Security Forum (EHS²); and Director, Sustainable Materials Manufacturing America (SM²A)

Steve has an A.B. in Political Science from the University of Missouri and has a J.D. from what today is the George Mason University Antonin Scalia School of Law. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Military Policy Corp, the U.S. Army through ROTC at the University of Missouri leaving active and reserve duty in 1977 as a Captain.